Remember when we were kids and picking up a jump rope was fun? Well, it is time to find that inner child. Jump roping is a great way to burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time. You will burn about 130 calories in just 10 minutes of this activity, and that doesn’t include the extra calories you will burn though out the day, and that adds up.

Here at iCompete Fitness, we like to step things up. So, in this workout, your calories will at  least double that..and it only take 10-15 minutes of your day. Not only will you burn more calories, this workout will work every part of your body.

Jump and Push

Perform 100 jump ropes, immediately followed by 10 push-ups. Repeat 10x. Time yourself and try to beat it each time you do this. Key is to do as fast as you can with as little rest as possible.

**Your challenge is to do this workout over the next week and keep track of your time each day. You should see your time get better. I would love to hear how it goes and see some numbers. Post in the comment section.  This is a great workout to get your kids involved with as what kid doesn’t like to jump rope!